Awesome College Major - 3D Semiconductor

Chen Zhitai from the Department of Electrical Engineering founded the compound semiconductor company SweGaN AB in Sweden
Chen Zhitai from the Department of Electrical Engineering founded the compound semiconductor company SweGaN AB in Sweden
Su Ruiyao (second from left), a student of the Department of Electrical Engineering, was commended by the Presidential Palace for his first tactile skin robot
Su Ruiyao (second from left), a student of the Department of Electrical Engineering, was commended by the Presidential Palace for his first tactile skin robot
      The Department of Electrical Engineering offers unique and industry-relevant courses such as "Advanced Semiconductor Packaging - 3D Semiconductor Processes" and "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0". According to the department head, Dr. Yang, Chu-shou, these courses teach students the latest and most widely used technologies, making their learning experience more meaningful.
      As the semiconductor industry plays a crucial role, the department invites industry experts to teach the latest process technologies. Dr. Yang explains that the difference between traditional planar semiconductor devices and 3D semiconductor devices is the number of transistors. For example, an Intel Pentium microprocessor rom 30 years ago used planar semiconductor technology and contained about 3 million transistors in a limited space. However, the iPhone 14 Pro, which uses 3D semiconductor technology, houses 1.6 billion transistors in a smaller volume. The courses offered by the department explain the intricacies of these technologies.
      The "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0" course involves a practical class on "Intelligent Monitoring of Unmanned Factories - Remote Monitoring of Offshore Wind Turbines", which introduces students to the trend of AI and combines the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, and mechanical engineering to teach the application of point, line, and surface concepts.
      Every semester, the department invites American professor from Germany to teach "English for Electrical Engineering Technology" to improve students' ability to read original technical literature, use technical English, and converse accurately. The curriculum is designed to help students find areas of interest in the world of electrical engineering and become engineers who enjoy learning, problem-solving, and innovation.
More about the Department of Electrical Engineering:,r12.php